
About me

Hi. I’m Staszek. Nice to meet you! I am a web developer passionate about always learning new things. I also like bike packing, cooking, reading and playing Magic(The Gathering).

How I got here

My programming initiation came pretty late, I only started learning to code (Python) during one of my university internships, mainly for data exploration. Later on I worked for a data journalism department in one of daily newspapers.

I gradually got more and more interested in web development and got my first developer job in IT in January 2021. I have been using JavaScript on frontend and backend. I am currently growing more and more interested in designing backends.

Why write about it?

Coding requires constant learning so I want to document this process for future me and others taking a similar path. So in short I’m trying not to forget things I learned.

I am not a native English speaker and I need practice. I want to improve both in thinking and writing in my second language. I realise how important it gets in often remote and international work environment to be able to communicate efficiently in a written form.