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Hi, I'm Staszek and I sometimes write about stuff I learned (mostly coding)


Cover Image for Brace yourself - code kata solution

Brace yourself - code kata solution

Preparing for live coding interview I stumbled upon an interesting code kata on Codewars. I will walk you through my solution

Staszek Dudzik
Staszek Dudzik
Cover Image for Automating GitHub workflow

Automating GitHub workflow

Your app is already alive on the server. It's hooked to your GitHub repo. Now you are adding a new feature. You don't want to be manually pulling your changes from your server, running tests and building the app! Let GitHub Actions do that and more for you!

Staszek Dudzik
Staszek Dudzik
Cover Image for How to scale a web socket app?

How to scale a web socket app?

WebSocket protocol is based on opening and sustaining a connection. How to run multiple instances of an app using web socket so that each client see all the incoming messages? In this post I will put multiple node apps behind a load balancer and hook it with a pub/sub to distribute messages among chat users.

Staszek Dudzik
Staszek Dudzik
Cover Image for Docker cheatsheet

Docker cheatsheet

Docker image this, container that. You can't escape Docker developing software so why not learn the fundamentals? In this post I'm giving you a bunch of basic concepts and commands to create your own Dockerfile and run your node app with Docker

Staszek Dudzik
Staszek Dudzik